Saturday, May 20, 2006

American Idol = Marital Troubles

Taylor will win because he is a better entertainer than Katherine. She has a voice, but she's not nearly as likable. Taylor has fun and its infecdtious, Katherine gets nervoiuse and over-reaches in her song choice and delivery. Sure, she has 1 good song (Somewhere Over the Rainbow), but it's not enough.

American Idol's platform is not "let's find the next best 'entertainer'" it is "let's find the next best SINGER." I concede that Taylor is exciting to watch, but he is nothing too special to listen to. McPhee rivals Clarkson in vocal ability - and that is not a compliment I tossd lightly around. The goal of this show is to sell records and she, my dear, will sell! sell! sell! Bottom line: America will decide... oh yes they will!

It's my blog, so Taylor will win. Now get me a beer and make the bed, LADY!

(censored by Andrew, so Andrew wins)

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