Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Memory Lane

This is Lilah's first time holding Jack. She was a little rough. Not much has changed.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Funny Video of the Day

There's no embed link, but go to the video. It's worth it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Jack-ee-boy Getting So Big

Here's a video Poppy took of Jack this past Sunday, 3/14.

He's such a good looking kid! Yes, I'll need to post one of Lilah soon.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday, March 08, 2010

The Frozen Shore of a Great Lake

Somewhere between Minneapolis and New York.

I'm guessing it's near Erie, PA, based on this awesome web site about flight paths I found on line. Check this one out.

A Big Ad

Commercials are better when they are blatant.

In my readings, I've found that consumers see a big difference between brands and advertising. Since Vince Packard published The Hidden Persuaders in 1957, most Americans are comfortable with the idea that advertising manipulates them. There is a trade off, with ads funding much of the entertainment that people rely on while imposing an element of forced consumer into our everyday lives. With packaging, consumers expect a higher level of accuracy about product quality and content (CSPI Study, 2009). Because of the inherent trust that consumers put into their brands, they see packaging as a much more authoritative source of information.