Sunday, March 30, 2008

2 Girls 1 Cup Reactions

If you haven't yet seen "2 Girls 1 Cup," be happy. It's nothing anyone should want to see. Of course, as soon as some one told me that I HAD to go watch it. Wish I didn't. The best part of the clip is watching everyone's video reactions. People sadistically make their friends watch the video and taping their reactions. It's funny as hell. Here's a good one:

This is also good. The reason it's funny (besides it being Muppet related) is because if you've seen the video, you know that there is NO WAY IN HELL anyone can watch it without some kind of reaction. Even better, they're in a dorm room, just like all the other posts on YouTube!

I highly recommend watching more reactions. It's always funny. But in no way should you watch the actual video. Just don't. I was nauseous for 4 days.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Because I apparently live under a rock, I have never heard of this video. And on your advice, I didn't try to watch it, but I did google it to figure what it was about. And my husband called it. He didn't know about it either, but he guessed exactly (at least the first part). Dude. Humanity sickens me sometimes. But good call on the reactions -- Hi-LAR-i-ous!