If you didn't watch it, don't read.Here are my theories, developed with the help of
Lostpedia and
this lady:
- The statue is an Egyptian god, probably built by people Jacob had brought to the island before. It is likely a god of fertility, which is ironic because no babies are born on the island (since the energy was tapped into by the Dharma initiative). Coincidence? Hell no.
- The ship we see at the very beginning is the
Black Rock, the old washed ashore sailing ship we’ve seen in previous seasons
- The
man Jacob is talking to is the island’s “advisor” at the time, and Richard Alpert’s predecessor.
- Richard comes to the island on the Black Rock and replaces that man as the advisor
- That man, or at least his spirit, becomes the smoke monster. He is continuing his battle with Jacob, waiting to find the loophole that will let him kill Jacob.
- The smoke monster uses Locke to take human form. That's why the island "talks" to him. Ben is the loophole.
- Lostpedia says it's not Lock, but the monster. If so, did the monster change it's form form Lock to smoke in order to "judge" Ben in the temple?
- Part of me thinks it is Locke, though he does not know he is being manipulated. (It's like Bladerunner, where the robots don't know they are robots. In all his flashbacks, we see a sad, easily manipulated man who trusts to easily.) Why should now be any different?
- Lostpedia call the man Jacob's Enemy. The show's casting sheets call him Samuel. In the
Bible, Jacob's brother, with whom he has a tenuous and sometimes antagonistic relationship, is named Esau.
- The hydrogen bomb was always meant to go off. It’s what starts the whole “push the button” thing. Once again, Jack listens to his instincts and ends up regretting it. ("We’re going to be rescued!" becomes "We have to go back!") Sadly, I understand exactly how he feels.
- The bomb and the electromagnetic energy react to send all our lead characters back to the present. Expect a tearful reunion between Sun and Jin. The first question I hope Jin asks Sun is “It's great to see you honey, but where’s the baby?!? How could you leave our child?”
- Ilana asks, "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Richard replies in Latin, "He who will protect/save us all."
- Surprise!! Juliet is not dead.
- I hope to God we do not see Walt again. Let it go, producers!! The only cool way to bring him back is if he replaces Richard as the island’s advisor. But let’s face it; they would never give that job to a black guy. (I’m just kidding!!)
- Before Jacob "dies" (yeah, right), he says "they are coming." the obvious answer is Ilana and her crew. I'm guessing it's something we have yet to see in the show, something they'll throw in at the end of next season. Only Brian will get this, but it's just like what the Honored Matres are running from at the end of the Dune books (fyi: it was Ominus). We don't know until it's already here.
Other general reactions:
- Still feel like they left too many questions unanswered, which is my biggest complaint. Love that the foot played such a big role!!
- Gunfights on Lost are a joke. The actors look like 12 years olds making guns with the hands. I laughed every time
- I got annoyed at the old couple living together; I even blocked out their names. I know they wanted to 'live in peace' but sometimes you need to sacrifice that for other people. I thought they were unreasonably selfish.
- Juliet was wicked annoying the entire show. I had flashbacks of my “girlfriend” in 7th grade. But her goodbye to Sawyer was sad. She was the only one Jacob did not visit.
- 2010 is a LONG time to wait.