Monday, April 07, 2008

Our Trip to Barnes & Noble

I found a book with maps from history and was very brave not to buy it. Lilah loved the kids section. Ran around all over but paying close attention to the Dora section. We're very happy that Lilah gets excited by books like we do.

Daddy's dream section, and it's on sale!

I can't wait to redecorate the bedroom. Really, honest.

Get 'em started early.
Sorry kiddo, I suffered through Hebrew school and so will you.

The best book title I've seen in a long time, naturally from Vonnegut.

Lilah, it's time to make a decision. Who do you want to get your binky at 3am?


Anonymous said...

She's definitely reaching for the Obama book!! Definitely! Which is a good thing since Uncle Brian & Aunt Nilda will be brainwash.. ahem, I mean, babysitting Lilah on Wednesday night. =) LOL

Boywonderesq said...

Yes, we can!