Tuesday, October 03, 2006


after meeting Sabrina Kahn at Tasti-D-Lite:

Sabrina: I’m finishing up my residency in Psychiatry and live up the street.
Andrew: Oh, we live just on 38th!
Stranger wearing gym clothes: Excuse me, are you in line? (very annoyed)
Harley & Sabrina: No, go ahead.
Andrew: Wow, she must have gotten all worked up at her spinning class.

chatting at the coffee machine at work:

Andrew: Have you been watching the Gene Simmons reality show?
Freelancer: No, I have not.
Andrew: Then if I sing the song “Lick It Up”, that won’t have any meaning to you.
Freelancer: No, it will not.
Andrew: I’ll sing it anyway. “Lick it up! Lick it up! Oh oh oh!”

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